Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Download Free
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Download Free

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Download Free

Players can steal vehicles, (cars, boats, motorcycles, and evenhelicopters) to participate in the shootings and robberies, and create general chaos. However, this tends to attract unwantedattention fatal police (or, in extreme cases, the FBI and even the National Guard). Police behavior is much like the Grand Theft Auto III, although the police units carrying batons now, the deployment of a harrow to break the tires and SWAT playerrappelled teams down from helicopters fly units, civilian police andthe police, the vice squad. Can neutralize the attention of police ina variety of ways.

A new addition to the game is the player's ability to buy a number of properties in the city. Some of them are additional caches(mainly sites that weapons can be collected and recorded for thegame). There are also a variety of companies called "assets"which the player can buy. These include a movie studio, a dance club, a strip club, a taxi company of "ice cream delivery work" (asthe front) company, shipbuilding, printing and display carshowroom. All commercial real estate has a number of tasks entrusted to him, and to eliminate competition or stolenequipment. Once the completion of all tasks of a particular property, the property will begin to generate ongoing income, are collected on the increasingly prosperous Vercetti periodically.

Several teams make frequent appearances in the game, and some part of the events of history. These bands usually have a positive or negative opinion of the player and operate according to the player or after the shooting. Fire between members of rival gangs can occur spontaneously include several battles betweenrival gangs organized missions.

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