How To Block App OR Game Requests On Facebook - 2015
How To Block App OR Game Requests On Facebook - 2015

How To Block App OR Game Requests On Facebook - 2015

Method 1st:-
    • First of click on the top right side settings icon in your profile.
    • Then click on the settings option.
    • After that click on the option of blocking available on the left side panel of settings page.
    • In Blocking Page there are many options available which are required to block different functionality.
    Two blocking option which required are
        #1 Block App invite
        #2 Block Apps

        Method 2nd:- 

        If case you don't want to follow explained method or you want to try another way which may be find easy as compare to above. 

        • First of open Games App center.
        • Then click on the activity option available on the top menu.
        • Now you will be able to see all the pending invites from your friends.
        • Simply click on the Cross "X" or Ignore All button appear on the app request.
        • Click to block app or game request and confirm it.
        Described above are two ways to prevent any request or demandapplication in Facebook game easily without any plugin or script.Use one of the methods listed above, you want to find the best andeasily. In case you have a problem or do not feel any please leaveyour comments.

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