How to check blog or website loading time
How to check blog or website loading time

How to check blog or website loading time

In this tutorial we check our blog or website loading time and what issues are responsible for taking more time to load your blog or website.
There are many online tools are available with the help of these tools we can check our website or blog loading time. The Google page developer is best tool in these all tools. Go here first .
Now enter your blog or website url and click on the check after proceeding they are given marks in 100. If your website or blog gets 90+ this good, but if your website or blog gets below 80 marks, then you do work on it.

How to Reduce Your Website or Blog Load Time

1:Compress and Optimize images
Do not use large size image or animated image that take more time to load and this is not good for your blog or website. Always use low size image. 

2:Choose the Best Hosting Provider

Choose your hosting domain wisely . First check the hosting domain server is good or not.

3:Use Minimum Amount of Ad

Always use minimum amount of add. Do not add large no add on your blog or website that take more time to load and your website and blog are not considered good.

4:Choose a Fast Theme or Template

Theme or template you choose does not contain heavy graphic . Chooses simple and light weight theme.

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